Saturday, August 24, 2013

I Won't Back Down.

"You can stand me up
at the gates of Hell,
but I won't back down."

-Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers.

First Saturday night of the semester and what do I choose to do? Turn on The Social Network and pretend I have somewhat of a life. It's moments like these that I question my sanity and dignity. Well, maybe that's a tad dramatic. But I honestly hate being alone like this on one of these nights. Oh well...

I'm starting to miss summer big time. The weather is still warm and gorgeous here, but the lack of any water areas is making me wish I had somewhere to lay out and get in the water. I miss all access to a pool or my beach sanctuary. Why didn't I go somewhere near a huge lake or by the sea? I'm crazy.

Well, besides that, nothing really new around here. Just same stuff, different day. 

WAIT HOLD UP. Exclusive alert: one of my "sisters" is...ENGAGED. Oh my goodness, I'm honestly about to cry over this breaking news. I am so beyond happy for that beautiful lady and her fiance. Ah, I'm over the moon for this. Must text her right now. Details will soon follow...

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