Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Take It Easy.

"Don't let the sound
of your own wheels
drive you crazy."

-The Eagles.

HUMP DAAAAAAAAAY. Sorry, had to get that out of my system. It's too good.

Today is a turn for the best! I'm actually really happy. Like, stress is still here, but it's slowly leaving my heart. Thank the Lord. I'm just actually fine for the first time in a week. It feels really good. Want a recap?

1. Study abroad in London: July-August. Sooooo...that's happening.

2. We had tacos tonight. You don't understand my love and affection for Mexican food. Even if it is homemade and not fully authentic.

3. My first article for the Vision is in the works. And I'm actually really excited about it! It's going to be about horses and riding and clubs and all kinds of good stuff. YAY.

4. I talked to my favorite old people. Boy, do I miss them. Sure, it will be a while until I see them, but it's worth it to hear their voices over the phone. I'm blessed with the best. I must say.

5. The Eagles came on in the car. The Eagles are a great band. I'm having an epiphany about how good they are just now. Why didn't I see it earlier when Shannon wouldn't shut up about them?

6. Kelsey might get married this summer. So I can come. And be in the wedding. Literally, I'm going to cry of pure happiness. What an honor to be included in that beautiful person's life.

Maybe I need to listen to my key rings and "cherish the journey" more often than not. It honestly has been a great one so far. Even though the path sometimes gets twisted, I always find my way out. 

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