Wednesday, August 21, 2013


"Oh honey,
I still want you around.
Like I always did,
I always will."


First day of sophomore year of college. Check that one off the list. Is it weird to say I never thought I'd get to this point? I honestly never pictured my future past around 17 years old. Then again, it's hard to know exactly where you're going.

But I did it. First day done. (Wearing all black in the middle of a southern August, I must brag.) It was a hot and humid one, but it was filled with anxiety and nervous laughter. Although I'm scared, I'm quite stoked, surprisingly. I'm getting more comfortable with the fact that things will figure themselves out. I'm just here to do my thing and feel good vibes. Is that too much to hope for? I think not...

And hey, the view ain't too bad from where I'm at. Might as well enjoy this for the next 16 weeks while I'm here.

Oh yeah, and Zayn got engaged. SAY WHAT. Congratulations to the happy,  young couple!

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