Thursday, August 22, 2013

Say You Like Me.

"Cause I'm never going down,
I'm never giving up.
I'm never gonna leave,
so put your hands up
if you like me."

-We The Kings.

Lazy Thursday. Is that a thing? Well, because of my classless schedule, it certainly will become one very soon. Especially due to the fact that I AM BORED OUT OF MY MIND ALL DAY LONG. Kill me now.

I'm kinda in a rut, you guys. I don't know how to get out of this whole..well...hole I dig myself into. No, I know not everyone will agree with me or see my perspective. But it sucks to have to explain myself and the reasons behind who I am. Yeah, I'm a picky eater and I'm stubborn and I can get myself into awkward situations. Who isn't like that these days? But I hate being put down over it. It's making me almost upset to know that being myself isn't always allowed in order to have friends. Some of you may say to find new friends, but I honestly have no clue how to start that. Growing up in a small town hinders you from being a people-person and up for new relationships. We live in a constant circle that turns vicious if you don't break out. I've been trying to break out for a year now, and I still seem to be a creature of comfort and habit.

Despite my rather sad post, I awoke to a hilarious picture message from one of my best friend's mom. You see, Connor is a Boy Scout. And he hasn't gotten a new uniform in a while. Water polo made him more muscular and broad, so...this happened.

Yep. It may look like it fits, but those buttons are hardly fitting together. Laughing out loud so hard over my boy. 

Oh yeah, and then I got this photo sent to my phone not too long ago. I'm so in love with this little guy, it's a problem.


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