Sunday, June 16, 2013

Upside Down.

"Who's to say what's impossible
and can't be found.
I don't want this feeling to go away."

-Jack Johnson.

Even though the night is very young, I feel so old for the fact that I want to go to bed. Like, right now. I don't understand where my drive to stay up until 3am went, but I sure do miss it.

Summer school is such a drag. Like the total buzzkill of life. I can't exaggerate how much more it ruins my day that I have to spend over four hours just reading a chapter. What a drain of my energy completely out the window. 

Also on the agenda was the Hallmark holiday we all know as Father's Day. My dad isn't one of random celebrations, having the attention on him or taking pictures. But my dad is legitimately the coolest one yet. He is basically a teenager trapped in an older guy's body. California-bred surfer dude who loves a good pool and knows random facts about math. I mean, all of my friends who had my dad as their high school teacher always have this love/hate relationship with the fact that he's a chill guy with a hard curriculum. But the personality compliment is more important in my eyes. 

You see, I look exactly like my mom. But what people don't realize is that my dad and I are the exact same in character. We're sarcastic, stubborn individuals who like to travel and make silly jokes. We never admit we are wrong and can get pretty emotionally over-the-top if the situation calls for it. But that's what makes him so cool; I get him and we know how to laugh rather than get angry.

Dad, you're the best. Always.

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