Thursday, June 13, 2013

Don't Forget.

"And at last,
all the pictures have been burned.
And all the past,
is just a lesson that we've learned."

-Demi Lovato.

Have I mentioned how much I love this girl? She is quite simply my role model and amazing.

I had a funny epiphany yesterday afternoon and I have been pondering on it ever since. Summer school starts Monday and for the past six weeks, I have been dreading its existence. But as the syllabus showed up in my inbox, I got a jolt of excitement. It was like a tiny spark of anxiety, but in a good way. Sure, I hate history (especially ancient world...kill me now), but I'm ready. I'm ready to start learning again. It's been a tad too long and I feel the urge to get up and start thinking again. I hate to read and I hate to take tests, but I got to say that the benefit school gives to me is the motivation to keep my thoughts alive with the strength of learning.

I guess I've always had this feeling. But college truly is the time to wake up and see the world. Discover new cultures about the world and figure out who you really are. Even though a lot of people digress, I believe it can happen partly in a classroom. If you're surrounded by good people and an interesting conversation, there can be so much enlightenment. And...I kind of miss being in that atmosphere every day. There are days of stress and days of laziness, but overall, I'm a nerd who loves to be educated about life.

Sorry for this boring post about me ranting of the pros of education. But it needs to be said because it's such a vital part of life. No, not everyone needs college. But everyone needs to learn. Learn about whatever you want. History. Cooking. Dinosaurs. The Rolling Stones. Arachnophobia. 

Just go. Discover, explore, live.

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