Monday, June 24, 2013

Hold On.

"Someday, somebody's
gonna make you want to
turn around and say goodbye."

-Wilson Phillips.

I get by with a little help from my friends. No, I don't get high with a little help from them, though. They just make my cold heart melt a little inside. 

Minor detour: sorry for the lack of post yesterday. Coastal-wide blackout for two hours results in zero communication to the web. Let it be known that it was just a tease for what the zombie apocalypse has to come. friends are some pretty spectacular people. Starbucks and God talks soothe the soul. I'm also beginning to realize, thanks to Nicole and Alanna, that in no way am I wanting to get married or obsessed with my planning until I am engaged. All I want is a boy to wait for me at the end of the aisle who somewhat likes me. Is that too much to ask for at this point?

Right now, my stomach is tossing and turning from all the junk food I devoured while indulging in a comedy movie night with my best friend in life. Gosh, that girl is the greatest. I'm so grateful to still have a laugh with her after 15 years of friendship. And I know that these laughs will go on for years to come. 

AND OH MY GOODNESS BULLDOGS ARE TOO CUTE. Please, Lord, if you could give me one thing in life, it would be a fat and lazy English bulldog. I pray for this.

Summary: my day was absolutely lovely and I plan to make many more as glorious and filled with love.

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