Saturday, June 8, 2013

Lay 'Em Down.

"Come all you broken.
Come all you helpless.
Bring all your troubles.
Come lay 'em down."


These past three days without my sweet, beloved Diet Coke have been purely exhausting. Well, to say the least...

With a constant headache and my eyes staying at a steady droop, I have still tried to keep as alive as ever. Today's adventure: high school graduation party...ranch style. Even though I live in the golden state of mind, we Californians do have an alternative lifestyle without sandy beaches and famous individuals. In fact, where I live is all about dirt back roads and strawberry fields galore. My mother and I traveled in the boondocks to a quaint little cottage in the middle of burnt yellow hills and green, leafy produce. Yes, I hate parties and this one was a tad on the awkward side, but this location was to die for. I swear I want to get married there.

Rumor has it, my great-grandfather managed this ranch and spent many a morning tending to the local crops. It's kind of a humbling feeling to know your farmer ancestor basically built this beautiful home with his two bare hands. Let me add, this house is my dream. I plan to live in a little house with rustic hardwood floors and the highest ceilings you could imagine. Did I mention that the bathtub was vintage and adorable AND was on legs? SOLD.

I love, love, love the little things in life. 

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