Saturday, June 15, 2013

Love Will Be Enough For Us.

"We'll be living out where the river bends,
where the grass gets green and the highway ends,
living easy.
You and me, baby, and the daffodils." 

-Dave Barnes.

The feeling of being surrounded by a room full of love is priceless and invaluable. I mean, I can't begin to describe how much smiling I did today. 

Have you ever been to a bridal party in a senior citizen trailer park? Well, I can check that off the bucket list. Family friends to me are basically my long, lost brothers and sisters. One of these "sisters" is Sarah, the bride-to-be in approximately 28 days. Four weeks until she becomes Mrs. Bryant. Boy, is she glowing with the light of the Kansas sun. Around the antique living room were the women who all adore Sarah, telling random stories about her growing up and drinking super strong mimosas. (Me included.)

Moving right along to the next party but staying within the same surname was Scott's graduation party. I can't believe time has flown too fast and he is now in high school (!!!!!!). Same faces, but different place. You see, the McBeth clan live on the tip-top of a hill in a quaint abode filled with picture-covered walls and floral furniture. Can you tell that I love this family's decor style?

Anyways, to keep things simple, more stories were told and old memories revisited. I grew up practically living with this family and it has allowed me to fill up the mind with past adventures. My heart is near and dear to everything we once did and reliving it all was just so amazing. 

Days like these bring me peace. They prove the greater things in life are the simplest of those. Nostalgia and laughter are two of my favorite things and when days like this roll around, it takes things to another frame of mind. And I wouldn't ask for any other way.

Congratulations to the future bride and the soon-to-be high school freshman. I love y'all.

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