Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Lose My Breath.

"You understand the facts
that I'm trying to give to you.
You moving so slow
like you just don't have a clue."

-Destiny's Child.

Heatwave all over the west coast is making for excellent tanning weather. Pretty sure I got my first real sunburn of the summer which I can't complain about. I work out for my tan. It's very important to have that sunkissed skin. 

Today was a revolutionary day for California and America as a whole. DOMA was ruled as unconstitutional (I coulda told you that years ago) and Prop 8 was overturned to allow gay marriage in the state of California. I have never been so ecstatic for a court decision. Love is love, no matter what. If you fall in love with a person and want them to be around for the rest of your life, it doesn't matter what gender you are. All that matters is the fact that you two want to spend forever together. That's all I care about. Equality is what we stand for and now it really is becoming a true statement.

Wendy Davis. What can I say? You are my biggest hero in life at the moment. The fact that you filibustered for 11+ hours to keep the option of abortion alive makes me so proud to be a woman in this country. If I'm being completely honest, no man should be able to take away the chance to make a woman's decision to do what she wants with her body. They don't understand the pain women go through while on the journey of figuring out pregnancy. It's beautiful, but terrifying to have a child. If someone isn't ready or can't offer them the best life out there, they should be able to stand up for themselves and make the right choice. Mrs. Davis, thank you for keeping that option alive in Texas. You really are one of the strongest, smartest women of this generation and I salute you entirely for what you have done in terms of women's rights.

I'm so proud to be an American today. I'm happy to say I live in a country where you can love who you want and choose to be the person you want to be. There's no greater freedom than being able to understand those two vital points to life.

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