Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Wrecking Ball.

"You were the one with the smoking gun.
You tied the noose.
You can blame it on self sabotage.
I had to cut you loose."

-Chelsea Lankes.

Literally, this week will be the death of me. If not, then next week for sure. I am drowning in assignments and obligations that I'd rather not have anything to do with. I am realizing that it will all be over soon, but I'm over it as of now. I do not deal with stress well and my vibes are not good at this moment.

Trying to find some goodness in whatever comes along, I've been on the hunt for new music. Although this artist I'm talking about today is someone I've listened to for over a year now, I love her stuff. Her first E.P. was like a hippie summer nights influence and the newest one is filled with space techno beats and sweet lyrics. I love her versatile personality that bleeds through her music and I can't wait for new stuff sometime in the future.

This jam makes me empowered to get through the next 10 days with flying colors. Although this may not be the actual case, I'd like to keep lying to myself. Hey, sometimes you gotta fake it til you make, as they say.

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