Monday, March 18, 2013


"And it feels so real
from the outside looking in.
And it feels so real
from the outside.
From the out."


This Monday has been the definition of a Monday. Woke up at 7a.m. to bloodshot eyes and quiet footsteps. Little did I know that the thunderstorms for the day would turn into a tornado warning, downpour rain and lightning shooting its way across the sky. This all happened in a matter of about two hours. And I was the victim of the sad, pathetic, soaking-wet-from-not-having-a-coat storm. Isn't life grand?

On top of that, I have three major assignments due by 1p.m. Friday afternoon and a major quiz coming up. My life just screams fun and excitement.

Thankfully, there were some bright spots in this rather cloudy day. My advising meeting excelled high above my expectations. Apparently, I'm way beyond track to graduate and taking a minor looks like the smartest decision ever. Heck, my major is only worth 30 credits now instead of 48. Praise the Lord. Also, I got an A- on my first media assignment. And according to my teacher, that NEVER happens. It's a once in a blue moon moment. Once again, PRAISE THE LORD. 

As much stress as I am being demolished by, I am realizing I'm not scared of not having the capability to complete this week. I'm the little engine that could. (Wow, I'm lame. I can't believe I just said that...) I'm more concerned over the fact that stress goes against my lifestyle. I'm all for good vibes and laughter all around. Guess I gotta just sit back and see how this week rolls out. Hope it's in your favor as well.


For those who don't believe me over being swallowed up by the storm, here you go:

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