Monday, March 25, 2013

Fire And Rain.

"I've seen sunny days 
that I thought would never end.
I've seen lonely times
when I could not find a friend."

-James Taylor.

Thanks to Harry Styles posting this song on Twitter and reminding me of how simply awesome it is. Love a little bit of '70s music.

So, we all know March is on its way out. You know what else should follow in its footsteps? THE FREEZING COLD WEATHER. I know I wanted seasons when I moved to college, but now I see why they are so beyond overrated. Sure, they may look pretty in perspective, but when you can't leave, it sucks big time. Just thought I would throw that out there because it's snowing today and I can't stand it anymore. I thought spring was around the corner and that meant temperatures in the 60s. Guess not!

Upside of the day: pretty sure I have enough Easter candy to last me for the next three years. My family overdid it with the whole Robin Eggs and chocolate bunnies deal. Oh well, more fat for me! Woo woo.

Really random, but this just came to me. For those of you who don't know, it's ManCrush Monday! Now, I have loads of man crushes. Probably around 100, to be exact. It's kind of ridiculous, but I can't help myself. There are so many attractive men. And hey, who wants to just choose one? My pick for the day is relevant because I get to go back to seeing his dear face on Netflix everyday starting in seven days. Yes, I have lasted almost a month and a half without my beloved Gossip Girl and therefore, without the one and only Chuck Bass. No Ed Westwick is like the absolute worst sacrifice ever. Sorry to be on the tad dramatic side, but can you honestly tell me that he is not flawless?

See my point? Happy ManCrush Monday!

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