Friday, March 29, 2013

Something I Need.

"And I had the week that came from hell.
And yes I know that you can tell.
But you're like the net under the ledge.
But I go flying off the edge.
You go flying off as well."


Nothing beats having a car and being able to explore. Thrift Store Friday was the adventure of the day. I scored a BCBG top for $2 and got some amazing Ralph Lauren sweatpants for the same price. WHATWHAT.

Also, another highlight is the fact that I bought my tickets for John Mayer and Phillip Phillips this morning. I am so ready for fair this summer, it's not even funny. Too stoked on life for what shall be a concert to go down in the record books. 

To top off this wonderful Good Friday, my friends and I stopped off at Sonic before dying Easter eggs in order to keep the festivities alive. Sure, we only had 12 compared to my normal 120. But it was so worth it and nothing beats a Friday night spent with the girls. Too much fun despite the ugly sky and rainy weather. 

The proof is in the microwaved hardboiled eggs and cheap Kroger dye.

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