Tuesday, March 26, 2013


"Funny you're the broken one,
but I'm the only one who needed saving.
Cause when you never see the light,
it's hard to know which one of us is caving."


I am eating WAY too much candy. But I don't care. It makes me happy. Especially Robin Eggs. The absolute best Easter food besides Peeps. 

Anyways, back to the main point of this...

I'm a girl who is all about lyrics in songs. Music can make me excited about some tunes, but the majority of the time, I get hit by how well the lyrics are written. They mean so much to me because each line is the unfolding of a story being told by the artist themselves in a way where they can fully express what would happen. It's such a beautiful and enigmatic experience hearing a new song with wonderful lyrics for the first time. I can't even describe how this eerie sense of calm comes over me like a wave when I hear something so good. It just...rocks me, I guess.

When Rihanna came out with "Stay", it took me back for a second. It was refreshingly haunting yet left me with chills of wanting more. The story in the song just moves you along the piano's keys. Now when the music video came out, good Lord was it simply perfect. For anyone who doesn't believe in Rihanna's beauty, come on. It's beyond easy to see how truly gorgeous she is in that video. Man, if only I could look like her...

For those of you behind on your pop trivia, well, please take a watch of this stunner. You'll quite possibly fall in love with this song.

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