Monday, February 18, 2013

La La Land.

"I'm not a supermodel.
I still eat McDonald's.
Baby, that's just me."

-Demi Lovato.

Life revelation of the day occurred whilst I was walking on incline at the gym. Demi Lovato came through my earphones and it made me think of the good ol' days when I would sing her music at the top of my lungs. Although I am and will forever be a huge Demi fan, it had been a while since I had taken a listen to her stuff.

Demi has been one of my heroes in the industry ever since she made a name for herself. Her music was well written and she wasn't afraid of being that edgy punk girl wearing all black despite being a so-called "Disney darling". She was just cool and even through her darkest moments, I was beyond proud to say I loved who she was and what she stood for.

This song represents basically who I am and who I've been. It makes me realize that when this song came out, I used to believe it was written about me. When I heard it today, that message rang truer than ever. 

Why's that?

First off, McDonald's is literally my guilty pleasure. Any chance to have a 4-piece McNugget Happy Meal, I'm there.

My Converse are my babies. I have 7 pairs in all different colors and I love all completely. My green ones have held priority in my heart since I got them in 7th grade. I wear them to everything: dances, sports events, graduations. I even plan to wear those and my white ones for my wedding. So, yes, I wear Converse with my dresses.

I'm pretty independent when it comes to relationships. Like anyone, it would be nice to have a boyfriend. But in reality, I DON'T CARE. I'm perfectly happy where I'm at and I have the best friends a girl could ask for. We even have tons of dance parties in my dorm room or go grab lunch to talk for hours.

As you can (hopefully) tell, I may look confident but I mostly am shy. I'm not all up in people's faces and I am relatively reserved. So yeah, I have my moments. 

Demi Lovato will always be one of my queens and I love her for this song. My anthem for the rest of my life. I won't change for the rest of my life. I'm staying myself tonight.

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