Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Chasing Echoes.

"I can hear the music 
playing in my head.
It echoes.
All the sound's pacing."

-The Lonely Biscuits.

Irritability has gotten the best of me over the past couple of days. I can't seem to put my finger on it, but my thoughts keep running with the idea that I don't like people and I don't like school. Although these may be true at times, I have no idea why it's playing like a song on repeat in my mind. I guess I'm just on the road to burnout and I know there is an end in sight.

Luckily, today is Tuesday. As dumb as it sounds, that gives me a touch of hope. Wednesday is the middle and it allows me to breathe a little bit. Thursday is not just any other Thursday; it's...well, Valentine's Day. But more importantly, Katy's turning 19. WHAT. (My friends are so old compared to me. Oh well. Forever young!) Then, we get to Friday. And really? What's better than that day alone! 

I need to just shake the stress off and have good vibes. That's my motto anyways. Good vibes lead to good times. Truth spoken in jest. 

Side note: Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. Otherwise known as the first day of Lent and the first day of giving up stuff. I just so happen to be giving up 40 days of Gossip Girl. HOW WILL I LIVE. But in all seriousness, what are you giving up? Candy? Soda? Social media? It's such a great time and opportunity to grow in faith and in yourself. Lent is a time to restore hope for yourself and I plan to (for the first time) take full advantage of it.

So, goodbye, Chuck Bass. I'll see you in 40 days. I love you.

(Here's some memes just to keep my love of GG satisfied.)

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