Friday, February 1, 2013

Good Love Is On The Way.

"Three years broken hearted.
Now her ghost is finally gone.
Done with broken people.
This is me I've been working on."

-John Mayer.

It snowed last night. Legitimately snow on the ground to roll around and run laps upon laps in. I'm a California girl at heart, so this moment was HUGE for me. Yeah, I'd seen snow before and I'd seen snow fall before. But never have I ever had the chance to say I live in a place where it snows. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the greatest feeling ever. The white flakes were all over my nose and eyelashes, making it one of my new favorite things and I swear it brought me back to being 5-years-old for a few minutes. 

As the snow slowly begins to melt away, I will leave its legacy behind with a path of pictures filled with excitement and pure, honest joy. I LOVE SNOW NIGHTS.

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