Tuesday, January 20, 2015

White Flag.

"Forgiveness is the chorus
of our rebel song
and we belong..."

-Dave Barnes.

Redcliffe Ladies Potluck was a success! After slaving away at our contribution (taco bar, anyone?), we made it in time to eat heaps of fried rice, pizza, pasta, chips and all the desserts you could ever ask for. You know, this flat is filled with rather different characters, but we all bring our own flavors to the table. We all make up this one somewhat cohesive unit that is pretty much dysfunctional and loud at all times of the day. 

It may be Tuesday, but I'm sure my Friday happiness has already started. In a good way, of course. As much as I am eager for the weekend to come (EDINBURGH, I SEE YOU), I can't wait to spend a few more days in the city of rain and royalty.

Let's do this thing.

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