Thursday, January 1, 2015


"Maybe it's not my weekend,
but it's gonna be my year."

-All Time Low.

Wow. It's 2015. Figures, man.

While I start off my new year in shambles due to poor adolescent decisions, the end of 2014 was spent with the elementary school gang. And in our town, that means reminiscing on days gone by and some of the funniest stories in your memory bank to date. Mix that with a little bit of crazy dancing to One Direction and a lot of embraces all around and of the best nights in a while. 

Sure, I'll suffer the consequences of the careless lifestyle, but for a night like that, I do not mind.

Thanks, 2014. You were one of the greatest years I could have ever imagined.

2015, you're next. You have a lot of high expectations to live up to. I mean, I shouldn't be predicting anything, but hey. The future looks solid and based off what's on my plate, nothing seems impossible.


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