Thursday, January 22, 2015

Home Is Not Places.

"So take me somewhere I don't know
'cause home is not places.
It is love."

-The Apache Relay.

Tonight marks the first concert of (hopefully) many to come here in London. What's even more coincidental and rather ironic was the fact that we saw a Nashville-native band and met a woman who went to high school in Santa Barbara. Whoa, the world is definitely a tiny place. I'll tell you that.

The city felt super chill tonight and I'm not just talking about the below-freezing temperatures. It felt familiar, which despite all of my adoration for this place, has been quite lacking. 

Someone told me something profound the other day about living in a new place. She said she had learned this while studying in Belgium for a year as a teenager. She kept it in mind for future reference and that reference surely blew me away. She said:

"It's not good. It's not bad. It's just different."

She also went on to say that it's the best feeling in the world to be somewhere where you're completely uncomfortable and finally start to realize how normal things will soon feel. That's been the past three (or so) weeks here in London for me. I mean, it pretty much sums things up as a whole, I guess I could say. Culture shock has definitely been a thing, but I now know to keep in mind that everything is just different and I am just a student of the world at this point. 

And that is where the excitement is stored.

Oh yeah. We also went to Nando's tonight because I am in love with it and never want to leave it ever. So thankful for its bottomless mango frozen yogurt and specialty chips. YOU ROCK MY SOCKS OFF.

Good vibes.

Back to the show...

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