Saturday, January 3, 2015


"And if you never stop when you wave goodbye,
you just might find if you give it time,
you will wave hello again."

-John Mayer.

In less than 24 hours I will be on a plane (hopefully, asleep) on my way to another continent for the next four months. While this adventure has been on my mind for probably the last 3 or so years, it's always weird when a dream becomes hard reality. Of course, I'm beyond stoked to be able to live in this unexplored world. But nerves are about to get the best of me, nonetheless.

I've left home and gone far away time and time again, but not to some extreme unknown where there are questions waiting down every cobblestone street. 

I don't even know what to say or feel or think at this point. Because no matter how much worry or excitement or anxiety I put in right now, I honestly don't even know what to expect on the other end.

I just hope to God that at the end of the day, all is well and I can just chill out for a bit. I need a bit of a vacation from this...well...vacation.

Gosh. Alright. I'm doing this. One way or another.

Next time you hear from me, get ready for a possible 'cheerio' or rant about tea. Who knows what will happen across the pond.

Later, skater.

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