Monday, January 12, 2015

In An Aeroplane Over The Sea.

"But for now, we are young.
Let us lay in the sun
and count every beautiful thing we can see."

-Neutral Milk Hotel.

While everyone else went off into their business world worries, I spent the afternoon with myself running errands and figuring this city out. I'm learning how to do this thing that others do, which is to "adult." Basically, I'm trying to pretend I know how to take care of everything like cell phone bills and riding the Tube. I guess you gotta fake it 'til you make it, am I right?!

As uneventful as today pretty much was, it's still cool to look around my daily walk to the station and see that I'm legitimately living in London. Like, what the heck. I cannot get over the fact that I'm living in this mega-huge city that everyone knows about. I'm 20 and I get to explore places like Big Ben and Hyde Park. For four months. How sick is that?! I just can't even believe it. I have to pinch myself every day, even when it's all dreary and rainy out.

Let's see how school goes when I check in with you tomorrow. 

To Olympic Park we go...

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