Monday, January 19, 2015

Show You Off.

"You gotta boy feeling lucky.
Mmm, how you love me.
And you're making my heart go
(boom boom)."

-Dan & Shay.

Usually, people hate Mondays. But this semester, four day weekends are my reality and Mondays are prime. I literally did nothing today. Okay, wait. That's a bit of a lie. I did my reading homework, I bought my roommate a notebook, I called my family and watched about nine episodes of Friends. Productive day, am I right?

While I should maybe be applying to more internships or doing reading for future classes, it's nice to have a little break before the week transitions straight into schoolwork. Maybe I should explore the museums or the city by myself, but I hate to admit that I'm a homebody and watching TV is one of my favorite activities. 

So, here we go with week two of trying to be as studious as possible while maintaining a healthy balance of chill time. Because nothing beats Mondays like these.

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