Friday, January 9, 2015


"Oh now, I'm floating so high.
I blossom and die."


Whenever I get to writing these, all I really want to say is how much I love this city.

London has gotten into my bones and seems to be flowing through my veins. Even when I find the random irritants about this place, they never outweigh the true love I have for the city. There's something about the vibe I could never describe (rhyme time...boom boom) and I just feel so alive along these streets.

Tonight was one for the ages filled with the best cider a girl could ask for, trivia competitions and my all-time love, McDonald's. (Yes, it's only been five days but we are in a steady relationship and I don't want to lose that.) 

Although school may be on the rise and schedules will change the free-for-all atmosphere of the past week, I still know that London will always remain my number one for the next four months to come.


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