Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The New Year.

"And we scream and clap
for the end of what was
and what we've become."


New year, new you. Cliche yet very effective for the year change. I'm not all the way convinced that in a 24-hour period, you can "change" who you are but I believe it's another chance. Another chapter. Another road. 

2013 was one for the books. To sum it up in fragmented statements (my favorite), here's what I did: Experienced California from Wisconsin eyes. Loved summer and home more than ever. Danced to the sounds of Ed Sheeran. And One Direction. And John Mayer...twice. And Selena Gomez. And Taylor Swift. And Tim McGraw. Traveled cross country in a tiny car with a lovely lady. Got old, like sophomore in college status. Ate too much cheesecake. Indulged in Love Actually...a lot. Moved into my first apartment with such good people. Slept outside a Chick-Fil-A. 

I loved. I laughed. I lived. 

I'm proud of last year. I'm happy because of everything. I'm good. And that feels so amazing to be able to admit that statement and know it as the truth. Wow.

2014, you have some shoes to fill. I'm not one to put up expectations, but I want to dare myself. I want to challenge life. I want to broaden my surroundings. I want to be...fearless. And nothing more.

Bring. It. On.

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