Monday, January 27, 2014

I'm Coming Out.

"I'm coming out.
I want the world to know.
Got to let it show."

-Diana Ross.

The Motown mood makes life a tad more musical and more meaningful. Or so it seems after conducting what I would like to think as the best interview to date. The team of Megan + Monica proves to be a perfect partnership and I could not be more stoked to tell the world about their creations and visions. 

Revivalist is not just about fashion. It's about a culture. It's about empowerment. It's about self-respect. It's about regaining confidence. It's establishing the right of dressing and feeling like a woman. It's about embodying the femininity of a piece of clothing and allowing it to add to your fierceness or power or whatever strength you may have. And that's why this up-and-coming brand is so important for me to write about and publicize. 

Simplistic silhouettes and classic crowns celebrate the true nature of beauty within each individual woman. We are His daughters and we deserve to feel loved and capable. Clothes can make a woman and bring out a side within her that she may never recognize. 

Revivalist is the beginning of a change in the fashion industry. I'm sure of it. It's where the vintage meets the modern and the sophistication meets the flirt. 

We must all hang on the fall deadline for the release of this line, but until then, imagine a world of haute hues and pretty patterns. Become a Revivalist.

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