Saturday, January 4, 2014

Letter To Me.

"And I'd end up saying
have no fear.
These are nowhere near
the best years of your life."

-Brad Paisley.

Tomorrow is my last day. Dramatic draw, isn't it? Well, to be honest, I don't know how to feel. That's why I'm letting people make what they want from it. This always happens to me. The start of a new semester makes me anxious because I just don't know. My classes may be hard or I may have easy As on the way. The cold may get the best of me or I could make the best of it. I may land the perfect summer or...well, no matter where I end up, it will be a great summer. Scratch that one. I may get homesick or I could fall even harder in my love for Tennessee. 

And not knowing, for me, is the most terrifying of all things.

I wish I could say I was one of those carefree people who lives a life of "oh well" than "what if". But I constantly fall into the fear of many things, one of them being the future. Yeah, yeah, I need to live for the now, but that's not good enough. I like a plan. I like things in order. I like things where they're supposed to be. And the future, at this point, is not that.

Okay, time to just shut up and take a chill pill. (My key phrase at the moment. Get on my level.) Like my college mantra has become, no matter what, I have my friends. I have my family. I have my health. And I'm alright. Nothing is going to hurt me. Well, unless I clumsily fall down while trying to carry my 50 pound suitcases up to my apartment on Monday. But that's beside the point.

A new semester is another chapter. As frightening as that sounds, things are going to be........


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