Thursday, January 23, 2014


"Your face is all that I see.
I'll give you everything.
Baby love me lights out."


Facetime is great time. I got to video chat with one of my long lost favorites whom I haven't seen in about three years. And yet, through everything, she and I are as close as ever. And she's one of the few that hasn't changed even though we both have grown so much. It's such a beautiful thing to have a friendship with someone like her. What a light.

It also occurred to me that my best from the east turned the big 2-0 today. LOVE MY BOO. Another one with the whole 'long time, no see' but she's still one of the first I go to for absolutely everything. She's my Virginia sister and I wouldn't change it for the world.

With all the reminiscing and old friends, I'm going to pull this blog into an Instagram and put up a #TBT. Back to the good ol' days, where DC was my city of choice and goodbyes were filled with love and endless tears. Ah, taking it back to one of the best weeks of my life. Hands down. 

Hey soul sister, raise your glass and be fly like a G6.

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