Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Gold Rush.

"And maybe you should learn to love her,
like, like the way
you wanna be loved."

-Ed Sheeran.

Writing is the hardest thing. As much as it is one of my favorite things to do, it sucks. Does that mean I'm doing it the right way? I have no idea. People tell me all the time that if your dreams don't scare you, you are thinking big enough. Eh, I like my comfortable life, thank you very much. It's easy without change and life is simple when there is no responsibility on my shoulders.

I don't know where this lack of motivation came from. Maybe I wore myself out as a kid, but that's a dumb excuse. Really I'm just rambling right now because like I said, writing is hard.

And so is life. Ugh.

Made it half way through the week, guys. Group hug. Two more days. Two. More. Days.

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