Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Little House.

"I love this place,
but it's haunted
without you."

-Amanda Seyfried.

What's up, Tune Tuesday? This week, I'm going in a different direction. Back to my high school favorites. You may have heard this song in a little movie called Dear John. I'm going to be honest and say that every Nicholas Sparks movie has the best soundtrack. Dear John is not an exception in that rule. 

From beach bum music like 311 to singer-songwriters such as Rosi Golan, the CD has the best of the best for the chill jams. Surprisingly enough, Amanda Seyfried knows how to sing...and very well, if I say so myself. Her vocal vibrato and flawless tone leave for a raw performance on this acoustic hit. 

Perfection, truly.

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