Monday, December 30, 2013

Hear You Me.

"On sleepless roads,
the sleepless go.
May angels lead you in."

-Jimmy Eat World.

Life is just chillin' right now. Nothing new, nothing interesting. I mean, if you're really looking for updates, I have antibiotics in the fridge and I'm applying to every single media internship imaginable. But besides that, I'm waiting to ring in the new year tomorrow. While it awaits, let me just say that after watching A Cinderella Story for the hundredth time tonight, it has one of the best movie kisses ever. Modern kiss scenes will never compare to those in the days of our parents and grandparents, but Hilary Duff and Chad Michael Murray make a grand attempt. The way she runs her fingers through his hair, the rain pouring down and ultimately, this killer anthem in the background. Every time this song hits my airwaves, I immediately jump to Friday nights in the bleachers and the smell of the football field. Well, maybe not exactly, but let's just let the nostalgia sink in for a little bit.

If you've never seen this scene (ha ha ha, seen the scene), check it out below:

I'll check in with you again before the clock strikes 12 tomorrow...

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