Friday, December 27, 2013

Anything Could Happen.

"But now I've seen it through
and now I know the truth
that anything could happen."

-Ellie Goulding.

Reunited and it feels SO good. I got to be in the presence of one of my oldest and closest friends. Matthew Sagisi, ladies and gentlemen. He is a legend. Best friends for about 14 years strong now. And we have never looked back. That kid puts me in stitches and laugh attacks for days and I wouldn't want it any other way. I mean, I am his "adopted" sister in some respects. So we're family. He's my bro. And he is the absolute greatest.

In honor of his hilarious jokes and impeccable wit, my Friday Five is filled with laughter. Here are some of my favorite funny films at the moment (some of which have been provided by Mr. Matthew):

Watch all six minutes of this Paul Rudd prank. It's a classic.

Spoofs are the best. And this one beats all, by far. Rubber fingers for the win.

Most think this infomercial is a complete fake. But trust me: this lady is for real. She is serious about her sponge. A little too much, if you ask me.

A weekly watch in my apartment. Not a night goes by without a reference to these wonderful Lonely Island lyrics.

Even Jimmy Fallon understands how accurate this is. 

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