Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wonderful Christmastime.

"The moon is right.
The spirit's up.
We're here tonight
and that's enough."

-Paul McCartney.

I am in the festive spirit today! And to make up for my lack of brain cells that forget Tune Tuesday today, here's the seasonal song of the day! These are the Christmas tunes that I want to hear all the time no matter what. Sir Paul knows how to make a good hit, am I right?

Also, before I forget, Want Wednesday is tonight if I am thinking on track of schedule. (Better keep notes of that now that I'm off of school for a while.) Thanks to my fashionable friend, Nikki, I have discovered the wondrous world of Polyvore. Breaking it down quick, it's a site where you can create outfit sets and browse all of the clothes you please. Because I'm obsessed with the styling outlet this site provides, here is one of the latest looks I've made. And I want all that it has to offer. A little something I like to call...

 It's Casual.

It's Casual.

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