Monday, December 9, 2013

I Don't Wanna Be.

"I don't wanna be 
anything other than
what I've been
trying to be lately."

-Gavin Degraw.

Season one, episode one. The fresh start of a new series on Netflix. This go-round: One Tree Hill. I'm always a sucker for those high school dramas, it seems. But instead of the five seasons I plowed through for Friday Night Lights or the six of Gossip Girl, I must complete all nine seasons. My goal? To finish this entire series by the end of my sophomore year of college. At this point, this sounds very doable. Especially considering this next week in which I will be spending the majority of my time alone at my house with nothing to do and no car to take me anywhere. Can you say free time to the max?

Since the commencement of my introduction to One Tree Hill has just occurred, I feel a tad lost and bored. But hey, what show have I truly loved from the start? (Okay, make the exception for FNL. Gotta love Coach Taylor and his crew...always.)

Cheers to another way to kick off the holiday and college break season. 

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