Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late).

"Want a plane that loops the loop.
And I still want a hula hoop."

-Alvin & The Chipmunks.

The debut of this song and the watching of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer has officially put me in the Christmas spirit. I am so ready to spread some cheer and bring joy to all. Here are a few gifts I plan to get my DIY on while keeping out of the winter wonderland outside. (okay, let's be honest. I live in California and the high today at 71. But's winter.)

Scrabble tile coasters: A cute and personalized way to make a cheap cup holder for all to keep the coffee table clear.

Hot Chocolate in a Jar: It's like a DIY in a package! What a delicious way to be creative and still spread some warmth around.

Homemade Scrubs: I'm a sucker for some spa treatment that doesn't break the bank. Sugar scrubs are some of the easiest projects to make in the home while keeping the expenses at a low. 

Gift card snow globe: have no time to pick out the perfect present? Have no fear! Snow globes are wonder in a jar and adding a gift card to someone's special store will add some sparkle to the small snow!

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