Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Disco Santa.

"I said Santa,
please come back to my town.
There's no need to wait a moment."

-Holiday Express.

Despite the festivities that Christmas Eve has to hold, I like to keep up with my homemade traditions. This blog over the past year has become one of them and as of recent, I love keeping up with this whole Tune Tuesday. Let's keep the holiday spirit alive with a little request via my (crazy) roommate, Kelly.

Her suggestion of the week was this song, mentioned in the post title. As I took the risk to sample this song late last night, I immediately guessed something was wrong with her for enjoying this song. Nonetheless, I have continued to play this song for the majority of this night, leaving me to believe that I, myself, am as insane as I presume she is. Oh well. More power to her.

Check out this modern take on a classic carol:

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