Saturday, December 7, 2013

A Little Party Never Killed Nobody.

"A little party never killed nobody.
Right here, right now is all we got."


Promise to you I have not abandoned you in full. These past few days have been loaded with the daunting task of packing for a month of my life, endless travel days and good ol' family time. Now that I've gotten back in the gear of West Coast living, time to return to what I love and live to do: write.

Here's a quick recap to get us all back on track, eh:

John Mayer concert: Third time is definitely a charm. John Mayer killed it, as per the usual. He played everything from "Why Georgia" to "Stop This Train" to "Dear Marie". What a pure talent nowadays, am I right?

Paradise valley.


Just keep me where the light is...

Stop this train, I wanna get off and go back home again.

Home: Break has officially begun for me. Over ten hours of travel, three timezones, a plethora of chilly temperatures and finally, I'm back in the land of the Pacific Ocean. Celebrated in full, of course, with the joys of In-n-Out and authentic Mexican food. My stomach may be regretting the decisions to eat so horribly, but I am oh so satisfied at the moment.

SNL: My boys, One Direction, were on SNL tonight with Paul Rudd. Despite the minor moments of idiocy (this comment is fully directed toward Niall and Harry, respectfully), they actually were really, really good. It's weird to actually admit since I don't know them personally, but this performance in particular made me proud. Not just of them, but to be a true fan. They've come so far.

This: Just found this outfit. And this blog is the coolest. Please check it out.

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