Friday, December 20, 2013

Jukebox (Life Goes On).

"Then she said life goes on.
We got all night.
If you got rock and roll,
you're gonna be alright."

-The Summer Set.

This song is the absolute JAM at the moment. A little too obsessed. I mean, I've listened to it a good ten times today and it still isn't old. Gotta love some pop-punk-techno vibes.

Fashion is also on my mind so get ready for the Friday Five...

Giving it up this week to my girl, Kylie Jenner. I've been on a 90s grunge edge chic look all year and she kills it every single time. Here is just a few of her bests:

These oxblood leather jeggings are everything. Enough said.

Her sister, Kim, may sport this crop top-pencil skirt combo often, but Kylie takes the cake on this groutfit. 2 Kewl 4 Skool.

All black. All the time. Yes.

I love America. I love cutoffs. I love fun sunnies. This outfit screams best of Coachella looks hands down.

Pretty sure I've talked about this look before. But let me say it again: TOO SICK.

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