Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Sit Still, Look Pretty.

"Sure I'm a pretty girl
up in a pretty world.
But they say pretty hurts
and I don't wanna sit still."

- Daya.

THIS. SONG. IS. SO. BEYOND. LIFECHANGING. (insert clap emojis in there somewhere.)

I am all about this whole trend of women empowerment lately. Granted, it's been going on since suffrage (thank you 19th Amendment), but still, I feel this modern take on the idea of feminism. As I always put it, snaps and all, we can be independent women and kill the game all the same. 

Daya is ma gurl when it comes to that. She may be only 16 and not signed to a major label, but she knows how to be successful in her own right. She has got it made, and this song is just the beginning for her. 

Be on the lookout because she is about to blow up your radio like no tomorrow. She is just climbing her way to the top all by herself.

(courtesy of: Youtube, Daya)

Saturday, September 19, 2015

New Americana.

"We know very well who we are.
So we hold it down when summer starts."

- Halsey.

I love my Bruin Recruiter family. Let me say that again. I LOVE MY BRUIN RECRUITER FAMILY.

Being a part of this organization for a couple years now, I've definitely seen the highs and lows of it. 

Lows: waking up before the sun is around, standing in 30-degree weather on the sidewalk, eating pulled pork.
Highs: getting to see some of my favorite people all the time and having a laugh at all of the shenanigans that go along with this club.

In this case, the pros outweigh the cons. No doubt about it.

Especially now that I'm not only a Bruin Recruiter, but a tour guide and welcome desk worker, I pretty much live in the Office of Admissions. But there is no better place to eat too many Skittles from the candy jar or answer...interesting...phone calls. 

Simply put, I love it. I love our Preview Days and our tours and early mornings at the desk more than lots of other things at the moment. To be honest, I was having a conversation the other day with another senior in the program and thoughts about our last Preview Day came up. As we both looked at each other to ponder the idea, we (mid-tearing up) were like, "Never mind, let's not even mention that right now." 

So, yes. I love it. 


Friday, September 18, 2015

John Cougar. John Deere. John 3:16.

"And I learned everything I needed to know
from John Cougar, John Deere, John 3:16."

- Keith Urban.

Yet another year of exploring the Tennessee State Fair and another year of explaining what FFA stands for to my friends.

While I'm no country girl with cowboy boots and a Carhartt to match, I do know my way around the agricultural industry. I grew up having "green hands" for friends and played with 4-H animals out at the farm. Besides, the main event of every summer from my hometown is the fair and we like to hoedown, for sure.

But my pals from California, New York and Florida, respectively, don't know squat about being a little hick. I went to the fair in hopes to pet the cows and eat some corn straight off the cob. They went to the fair to try their hands at carnie games and see the "sugar gilder" animal. Umm...what?!

Despite our slight disagreements on getting down and dirty in the dust, we all stuffed our faces on fried Oreos and walked around in the glow of the Tilt-a-Whirl lights. It signified a bittersweet kiss goodbye to summertime in the South (which I'm still not sure if I'm prepared for).

But give me the smell of alfalfa and the overcrowded overall scene and I am, once again, at home.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

On My Mind.

"You don't mess with love,
you mess with the truth."

- Ellie Goulding.


Ellie Goulding has become pretty much my #WCW over the past year. I was a little late to the party, but Ellie knows how to slay the game. She's been away for a while, making new stuff, and in the meantime, I have been catching up with the old music. 

But she released a new single today and I don't think I'll ever get over it.

I've never been a huge fan of the whole EDM trend, but I do like a good dance tune. You know, a little bit of Calvin and a little bit of Disclosure. But nothing where the beat breaks your eardrums. No, that ain't allowed.

Ellie brings the cool to the pop with this one and I'll be shocked if this doesn't become every girl's break-up anthem. Heck, I'll be surprised if this doesn't become everyone's pump-up jam. Because I can definitely say I'm going to be getting ready to this song for the rest of the school year. It's just the absolute JAM.

Can I just be you, Ellie? Please. You're my new hero and you ROCK MY WORLD.

Listen to the song on Spotify below:

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Long Gone.

"I will not be defined by you."

- Worry Dolls.

You know what's the weirdest yet coolest thing right now? London friends becoming Nashville friends.

Kelly and I met up with Zoe and Rosie, or Worry Dolls, while we were across the pond. We went to a couple of their basement pub shows and even met them for dinner near the O2. And now, they live in Nashville. What even is life?!

Reverting back to our London ways, Kelly and I crashed their first Nashville gig in, coincidentally, a bar. Same idea, different place. 

But they did not disappoint the American audience. They killed it, for sure.

I'm loving this whole idea that London still hasn't left me yet. It might be thousands of miles away, but the love and the memories of it isn't far at all.

It's right where I want it to be.

Saturday, September 12, 2015


"That's the way that we're doing it, doing it.
We go big or we go back home."

- Hunter Hayes.

Hunter dared us to give our 150% during the show. He wanted us to go crazy with him. Meanwhile, Sam Hunt told us that we needed to bring the house party game up a notch and to jump around. Then, Lady Antebellum wanted us to remember those who lost their lives so we could be dancing and singing along.

But last night was definitely worth the last-minute splurge.

Tori and I entered the war zone that is Downtown on a Friday night. We had no tickets and not a lot of cash, but we had the determination that wouldn't be challenged. After a random lady stopped us mid-mission to tell us the show sold out during the day, we felt a tad discouraged. But we weren't giving up. We couldn't. We needed in.

15 minutes and a quick conversation later, we found ourselves in 106 with direct contact to the catwalk. Basically, we could see them and with the lights on, they could totally see us. (Shout out to Sam Hunt for waving to our section.)

It may be silly, but I judge concerts on a lot of different aspects. One of which has to do with the playlist before each artist comes out to perform. Sam Hunt was first up, and his prelude was the 1975. Guys. HE PLAYED ROBBERS BEFORE HE CAME ON.

From then on out, it was official: this concert was going to compete with all the rest for best show ever.

Oh, and let me tell you. It competed and I'm pretty sure I can tell you it's now in my top 5. Like, ever. 

I laughed. I cried. I got chills. 

And after every single song, I either screamed of pure joy or just couldn't stop saying, "That was so cool/amazing." No joke. 

Every. Single. Song.

That show made me remember why I love concerts. It reminded me why I choose to spend money on shows over food or clothing. That show made me think about how much music matters. That, my friends, is such a rewarding feeling.

Goodness gracious. Post-concert depression over that one will never leave me. It was just too good for words or life. 

And we didn't go home.


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Take Your Time.

"I don't wanna blow your phone up.
I just wanna blow your mind.
I don't have to take your heart.
I just wanna take your time."

- Sam Hunt.


You know how we all just love Fido? Well, that's pretty much the popular opinion around this town. No matter who you are or what you do, you've definitely been to Fido and you definitely like something from there.

With that in mind, Tori, Kelly and I made our weekly visit to our favorite place just for kicks. Who knew that Sam Hunt would have the same idea as us and would walk through the door? Great minds think alike, I hear!

After a good 30 minutes of contemplating and deciding this opportunity was worth more than our pride, we went for it. And said hi. And asked for a picture. And kept a conversation with him.


Sure, we might not be able to show our faces in Fido anytime soon (sorry, ego), but we can check off meeting a celebrity in public off our college bucket lists. Boom boom to that.

Also: thank you Sam for taking a couple minutes out of your busy schedule to stop for us. YOU ROCK OUR WORLDS. Truly. From losing our minds when we listened to you in London to making you the CD of the summer, we love you.

Monday, September 7, 2015


"Running on the music
and night highs."

- Troye Sivan.

Can life forever be a three-day holiday weekend? Because that would be GREAT.

While the majority of my Labor Day time off was spent watching the US Open or pretending to do homework, I squeezed in quite a bit of fun time as well. I ate Flipside and Fido and Cheesecake Factory galore and drank a cocktail or two on the side. Pretty much you could assume that I gained a couple pounds within three days on top of gaining memories for the senior year scrapbook.

It feels a little strange to know that as a 20-something, my time is running out. Not in life, but in college. I won't ever have a Labor Day Weekend off from school. I won't get to see my school friends every day or even every other day. But that's where we wanted to make our time count, especially while we've still got it!

More importantly, finding out more about our forever temporary hometown. So cheers to adventures because it's definitely out there.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Black Magic.

"All the girls on the block knocking at my door.
Wanna know what it is make the boys want more."

- Little Mix.

You know how you go to the gym and come back to watch Love Actually with your roommates? And then you stay up til midnight to chase Uber drivers around Vanderbilt for free mac-and-cheese? Even better, you get to drink boxed wine from coffee cups? 


Last night seemed as if it was going to be rather uneventful. I watched Venus slay the US Open while burning some calories at the rec center and came home to an unexpected and now weekly tradition. While it is rare that all three roommates are in the same place at one time, we finally all got together and we lived it up TOO hard.

Bonding like our adventure last night makes this house I live in a home. I never have felt uncomfortable or anything, but it's the memories that make it all worth it. 

So grateful to be living with two other crazies like me. Blue door and all.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

What Do You Mean.

"What do you mean?
When you nod your head yes,
but you wanna say no."

- Justin Bieber.

I may hate him. I always will. But I cannot deny how good this Justin Bieber tune is. Whoa.

I honestly hate myself so much for even saying this, but this song is constantly in my head and it's just SO GOOD. I mean, it sounds cool and just grooves. 

If he keeps turning out songs like this, I may have to reconsider his music. Doesn't mean I like him by any means, but good music is another deal.

(courtesy: YouTube)

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Should've Been Us.

"It should've been us.
Should've been a fire,
should've been the perfect storm."

- Tori Kelly.

The VMAs were...interesting, to say the least.

1) Miley doesn't know how to talk about anything but being naked and marijuana.
2) Nicki Minaj definitely has some beef with her.
3) Justin Bieber cried. Because that's what little boys do.

There you go. The quickest recap you really need. Even the fashion wasn't too significant. Yes, even Taylor Swift was an "eh" in my book. 

And that was my night in a nutshell. Honestly, I thought I would get a lot more out of this awards show. By far, it was entertaining. But I still have nothing more to say about it.

If you don't believe me, you can watch it for yourself if you so please. I'd save myself a couple hours if I was you, though.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Hold My Hand.

"Break my bones but you won't see me fall.
The rising tide will rise against them all."

- Jess Glynne.

I can't help but thinking last night was just so right.

The three Kellys and Tori had dinner over endless baskets of bread and One Direction conversations galore. We laughed over chatty waiters and ate our ways to food comas. It was good to be back as the fab four. 

To be honest, it reminded me of a brunch scene a la Sex and The City. While our names are all very similar and we aren't poised thirty-somethings in New York, we still know how to bounce off each other's vibes and laugh uncontrollably over nonsense. I wish we could always be like this, even after school.

I know we may not all be heading to the same place come graduation--Tori's going back to CA, New York Kelly may go international--but I really just want to become Samantha, Miranda, Charlotte and Carrie and move to the Big Apple to live it up. Wouldn't that just be a kick?!

How about I just stick to loving the late-night dinners and random adventures to come within the next eight months? Sounds like a better plan right now.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

I Need Your Love.

"Now I'm dreaming, 
will I ever find you now?
I walk in circles,
but I'll never figure out."

- Calvin Harris feat. Ellie Goulding.

While it's only day two and yesterday was great, the stress of the semester has already started sinking in. I'm realizing that unlike London, I have a lot more homework and a lot less opportunity to see the world for the next four months. I don't mean to sound depressed over it, because I'm not. It's just truly hitting me that we're not in England anymore, Toto.

Reality is hard, sometimes. I heard someone say they were having a "mid-college crisis" because they feel as if "time is running out." Although I was an eavesdropper rather than a contributor to the conversation, I definitely wanted to butt in with a concurring statement. Knowing that school will consume the majority of my time for that running out deal, that freaks me out so much. 

I mean, I applied for graduation today. Me. The one who still eats Happy Meals and could watch Spongebob for days straight. Where did the time go and where is it going in the future? Because you got me. I can't answer that.

Rather than dwell in my anxiety, I'm just going to cruise as much as possible and dance it out. That's way more my style.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Hills.

"I only call you when it's half past five.
The only time that I'll be by your side."

- The Weeknd.

Tomorrow is the last first day of school for me and you would think by now that I have everything in order. And yet, this is the first year I'm walking onto a campus so unprepared in my mind. I may not be starting over, but it sure feels like it.

Eight months is a long time to be away from anywhere, so to come back your last year with that predicament could be a major problem.

But rather than focus on the negative to start a new year off, I'm going to start off on the right foot. Pretty sure Sunday night did that for me.

Just to wrap it up quite quick: my longing for the UK was fulfilled in a night out with a group of British guys downtown. Who knew Broadway could be so much fun?

Monday wasn't exactly the same, but it did involve incredible friends, stupid trivia and cheap wine. So...there's that.

Keeping Tune Tuesday in mind, this song is the new jam and it's getting me through this anxious anticipation I have toward tomorrow. To be honest, the lyrics are not really what I'm all about, but then again, rap music is just that. Something I love but could probably NEVER relate to. 

Anyways, I'll just go on with life pretending summer is endless by hanging on the front porch with a Diet Coke in hand.

Sounds like the start of a great senior year, if you ask me.

(courtesy: YouTube)

Saturday, August 22, 2015


"So keep on climbing, though the ground may shake.
Just keep on reaching, though the limb might break.
We've come this far, don't you be scared now.
'Cause you can learn to fly, on the way down."

- Maddie and Tae.

I didn't think today would be that hard. I kept shrugging it off and thinking that it would be over in a small wave. 

I didn't expect to be turning away from the curb, gasping for breath and peering tightly at the stop signs between tears. 

I didn't think I would be crying by the time I hit the Interstate. I didn't think I would drown out the radio with the sadness. 

I didn't think about all of this because goodbyes are probably my least favorite thing in life. And no one wants to plan for the moments they hate the most.

I said goodbye to my best friend today. Goodbye for four months, that is. We've done this before, but never like this. Well, on my end, for sure. 

We've spent the past nine days together, so high on life we couldn't contain our laughter AT ALL. We took on the tourists down on Broadway with cowboy boots in tow. We drank cheap beer and ate way too much food at every single restaurant in town. We sang songs we pretended to know on the front porch at midnight. And because of those moments, I cried all the way home from leaving my best friend at the airport. 

I am so beyond lucky to have this life I have made for myself in Nashville. The memories and friends I have made in three years have also made me in three years. But I still hold on to my home as tight at possible, and the last piece of California I will have for four months is currently taking off. 

Maybe I'm just nervous. This whole college thing isn't technically new, but not living here for over eight months makes me feel as if I'm starting from scratch once again. I haven't sat in a legitimate classroom and there's construction at corners I used to know. I'm having to learn new shortcuts to old hangouts. And I have to reconfigure how I made this town my own.

I can do it, but it will take some time. 

I'm going to be okay. Great, even. But not overnight.

My best friend will be far from me, but that doesn't make me love her (and the rest) less.

One thing I did catch during my dramatic breakdown drive home, was the radio DJ saying, "It never gets any easier. But you gotta let them try it out. At least for a little."

You know what? She's right. Even if trying it out means a few tears and a lot more happiness. It's worth it. 

So I'm just going to stop thinking and planning and just be. Because I can do it. 

We all can.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Act My Age.

"When I can hardly walk and my hair is falling out,
we'll still stay up 'til morning.
We'll throw the afterparty, oh yeah.
I won't act my age.
No, I won't act my age."

- One Direction.

After more than seven months of planning and discussing and getting things in order, San Diego happened. 

We came. We saw. We conquered, indeed.

Not only was it one of the best trips of the summer, it was the reunion of a lifetime for the two London Kellys. One Direction concert and barhopping included.

We just decided to go hard because it would have been worthless to go home. That meant day trip to the zoo, cornholes against strangers and headbanging along to our favorite lads. (Let me rephrase that: jigging along to the lads. Great craic.)

Even getting horribly sunburned on the beach was the best ever because it still meant we were literally soaking in all the fun and sun we could. California style, of course. 

San Diego was just everything I wanted it to be, but I do have to say any weekend/trip/day revolving around a One Direction concert turns into the greatest memories. We got to see goldfish race at a dive bar and ate too much Mexican food. How could that not end in a wonderful weekend?

I can't wait for another trip like this. Yes, I'm referring to a 1D-inspired adventure. Nevertheless, they always bring the party. And because of them, we are always dancing all night to the best songs ever...

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Chicken Fried.

"I thank God for my life
and for the stars and stripes.
May freedom forever fly,
let it ring."

- Zac Brown Band.

Even though I was an English resident for a while this year, I could not wait for 'MERICA DAY. 

A staple of the traditional Brickey summer, we popped illegal fireworks, ate way too much BBQ and got burned by the sun while swimming for 38548932804 hours. Nobody does Independence Day like us. Because freedom. Because democracy. Because AMERICA.

I mean, I even sported by most patriotic outfit which included an American flag bikini and a PBR trucker cap. Can you smell my USA pride yet?


I love this country so much. And that's coming from a girl who traveled across the pond for four months. Greece is gorgeous, Ireland is exciting...but America is home. It's just unlike anything else.

We may not be consider the No.1 country in the world anymore, but USA is in my heart. Isn't that what being a proud American is all about?


Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Good For You.

"I'm on my Marquise diamonds.
I'm a Marquise diamond. 
Could make even Tiffany jealous."

- Selena Gomez.

Selena Gomez slaying as usual.

But this time around, she's turned her swag on and brought the bubblegum pop to the next grownup level. Tune Tuesday is all about this one and how this will be on my "going out and getting ready" playlist until the end of time.

If her next album sounds this smooth, I'm totally there for it. 

(Okay, I'm going to be honest I've always been a fan of Selena because how could you not she's a Disney Channel queen)

P.S. I know that sentence is a complete run-on, but I'm just writing how I talk. No big.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Honey, I'm Good.

"I could have another,
but I probably should not.
I've gotta bid you adieu,
to another I will stay true."

- Andy Grammer.

When you got babies staying at your house, you have to entertain them with all the fun childhood stuff. And that means only one thing: PARK TIME.

While some babies may cry constantly or get completely messy, these ones are the absolute best in the world, if I do say so myself. They are always smiling and up for a fun time, even when they pretend to throw their struggle bus tantrums. They make these 2+ weeks of summer some of the happiest because all they do is giggle and act silly. Translate that to all I do is giggle and act silly. My favorite kind of personality. 

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Everything's Right.

"Windows down as the night blows in.
Tap the beat on the wheel as the tires spin.
Until we're there, crank the radio.
We'll join in with the songs we know."

- Matt Wertz.

Mix a sherbet-colored sunset with roars of dinosaurs and Cookies and Cream Hershey Drops and you are about to have a perfect night.

How do I know? Well, don't we all learn from experience?

Sharing the bed of a '90s pick-up with enough blankets to survive a blizzard and enough food to last a month can be considered one definition of happiness in my dictionary for life. Even more so when the precursor to this beautiful night begins with attention-seeking jokes in the middle of the local grocery store with some of your favorites from high school. 

To be rewarded with the best sunset of the year to date and two killer films after this perfect madness? Let's all say it together now: #GOALS.

Who cares if I got home and was so tired I became rather delirious? 


Thursday, June 25, 2015


"Oh, I think that I found myself
a cheerleader."

- Omi.

Let me preface: I can't even with this song at how dumb the lyrics are, but the beat is crack on the mind. So. Addicting.

Okay, back to the main. Summer equals hot weather equals swimming as much as possible. I am taking advantage of that statement in full. Yes, that means front flips off the diving board and risking sunburns left and right.

Plus, when babies are here, we gotta get them out and about as much as possible! Especially when water is involved. They must learn to be children of the pool. Or lake. Or ocean. Or whatever. They just gotta stay cool.

This swim thing could become a regular habit as per usual in summer. That is something I definitely would not mind in the slightest bit. Not at all.

Besides, how could you not love this family bonding going on?!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Family Is Family.

"They might not be fancy, 
but family is family.
You might look just like them.
That don't mean you like them,
but you love them."

- Kacey Musgraves.

So I know it's been light years since Father's Day (okay, I love to exaggerate). But it got me thinking: my family is awesome.

And that includes the best of friends as well...DUH.

I drank some rather fancy wine with a side of grilled cheese and got to talk about Tennessee and Europe for about two hours. I chauffeured my favorite old people around in their cool set of wheels that one day I will steal from them. I even ate a vanilla cone that ROCKED MY WORLD alongside some of the best people.

But wait. It gets better.

A few hours later, I picked up my best friend, Matthew, to chill by the beach and just have a laugh. And what started with one 15" pizza turned into five hours of deep conversation and countless whale sightings. 

While Matt has been adopted into being my brother (and vice versa) for quite some time, it was Sunday that I truly realized how he is just like family to me. Although no comparisons shall be made, talking to him until way after the sun went down kept reminding me how much I love that kid for being the coolest and not trying. He is a great friend and a better person. For those who say blood is thicker, well, I say Matt can definitely be my blood.

I know I say this over and over, but summertime is the best and this day is just one of millions of memories that proves it. Like, I legit got to spend the happiest of quality time under sunshine and near the beach. I remembered how amazing it is to be surrounded by people who have your back no matter what and don't judge you for who you are. Okay, we do judge, but it's all with love. Trust me.

We may act weird in public. We may laugh over inappropriate jokes. We may eat way too much Mexican food and French fries. 

But we are always family.