Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Hills.

"I only call you when it's half past five.
The only time that I'll be by your side."

- The Weeknd.

Tomorrow is the last first day of school for me and you would think by now that I have everything in order. And yet, this is the first year I'm walking onto a campus so unprepared in my mind. I may not be starting over, but it sure feels like it.

Eight months is a long time to be away from anywhere, so to come back your last year with that predicament could be a major problem.

But rather than focus on the negative to start a new year off, I'm going to start off on the right foot. Pretty sure Sunday night did that for me.

Just to wrap it up quite quick: my longing for the UK was fulfilled in a night out with a group of British guys downtown. Who knew Broadway could be so much fun?

Monday wasn't exactly the same, but it did involve incredible friends, stupid trivia and cheap wine. So...there's that.

Keeping Tune Tuesday in mind, this song is the new jam and it's getting me through this anxious anticipation I have toward tomorrow. To be honest, the lyrics are not really what I'm all about, but then again, rap music is just that. Something I love but could probably NEVER relate to. 

Anyways, I'll just go on with life pretending summer is endless by hanging on the front porch with a Diet Coke in hand.

Sounds like the start of a great senior year, if you ask me.

(courtesy: YouTube)

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