Saturday, August 29, 2015

Hold My Hand.

"Break my bones but you won't see me fall.
The rising tide will rise against them all."

- Jess Glynne.

I can't help but thinking last night was just so right.

The three Kellys and Tori had dinner over endless baskets of bread and One Direction conversations galore. We laughed over chatty waiters and ate our ways to food comas. It was good to be back as the fab four. 

To be honest, it reminded me of a brunch scene a la Sex and The City. While our names are all very similar and we aren't poised thirty-somethings in New York, we still know how to bounce off each other's vibes and laugh uncontrollably over nonsense. I wish we could always be like this, even after school.

I know we may not all be heading to the same place come graduation--Tori's going back to CA, New York Kelly may go international--but I really just want to become Samantha, Miranda, Charlotte and Carrie and move to the Big Apple to live it up. Wouldn't that just be a kick?!

How about I just stick to loving the late-night dinners and random adventures to come within the next eight months? Sounds like a better plan right now.

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