Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Family Is Family.

"They might not be fancy, 
but family is family.
You might look just like them.
That don't mean you like them,
but you love them."

- Kacey Musgraves.

So I know it's been light years since Father's Day (okay, I love to exaggerate). But it got me thinking: my family is awesome.

And that includes the best of friends as well...DUH.

I drank some rather fancy wine with a side of grilled cheese and got to talk about Tennessee and Europe for about two hours. I chauffeured my favorite old people around in their cool set of wheels that one day I will steal from them. I even ate a vanilla cone that ROCKED MY WORLD alongside some of the best people.

But wait. It gets better.

A few hours later, I picked up my best friend, Matthew, to chill by the beach and just have a laugh. And what started with one 15" pizza turned into five hours of deep conversation and countless whale sightings. 

While Matt has been adopted into being my brother (and vice versa) for quite some time, it was Sunday that I truly realized how he is just like family to me. Although no comparisons shall be made, talking to him until way after the sun went down kept reminding me how much I love that kid for being the coolest and not trying. He is a great friend and a better person. For those who say blood is thicker, well, I say Matt can definitely be my blood.

I know I say this over and over, but summertime is the best and this day is just one of millions of memories that proves it. Like, I legit got to spend the happiest of quality time under sunshine and near the beach. I remembered how amazing it is to be surrounded by people who have your back no matter what and don't judge you for who you are. Okay, we do judge, but it's all with love. Trust me.

We may act weird in public. We may laugh over inappropriate jokes. We may eat way too much Mexican food and French fries. 

But we are always family.

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