Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Let Me Love You.

"Your true beauty's description
looks so good that it hurts."

- Mario.

When this song came on the radio, you know I was going crazy because this song is such a good throwback and I cannot control myself when it comes to the songs of the mid-00's. 

Anyways, it's also Want Wednesday and I'm starting to realize how much I actually wish I could dress like Rachel from Friends mixed with Stephanie from Full House. Basically, I'm 90's obsessed. Yes, I'm a 90's kid so it makes sense. But I just LOVE flannels and overalls and vintage Reeboks. I can't help myself. Hence my inspiration for Want Wednesday being none other than Lou Teasdale, hairdresser for One Direction and queen of grunge chic. 

This outfit is the perfect summer concert look to the max. While it may look straight from the thrift store, fear not: many of these pieces can be found in TopShop, H&M and other vintage store. Basically what I'm trying to say is that this combo of overall mini, black vest crop and laced-up kicks is a killer look at the moment. Pretty much it's the coolest way to keep cool. So boom. Winning the game.

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