Thursday, June 25, 2015


"Oh, I think that I found myself
a cheerleader."

- Omi.

Let me preface: I can't even with this song at how dumb the lyrics are, but the beat is crack on the mind. So. Addicting.

Okay, back to the main. Summer equals hot weather equals swimming as much as possible. I am taking advantage of that statement in full. Yes, that means front flips off the diving board and risking sunburns left and right.

Plus, when babies are here, we gotta get them out and about as much as possible! Especially when water is involved. They must learn to be children of the pool. Or lake. Or ocean. Or whatever. They just gotta stay cool.

This swim thing could become a regular habit as per usual in summer. That is something I definitely would not mind in the slightest bit. Not at all.

Besides, how could you not love this family bonding going on?!

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