Thursday, June 4, 2015

Super Bass.

"This one is for the boys with the boomin' system.
Top down, AC, with the coolin' system."

- Nicki Minaj.

Starting on the first day of June, I entered what I am calling my cleanse month. To clarify, I am NOT on a juice cleanse, thank you very much. I may be from California, but I refuse to participate in that whole LA lifestyle. Too posh for me.

Update on the cleanse: the worst thing I've eaten in the past four days is a Digestive. Okay, I've have four in three days. But still. For me, this is a huge development. And to top it all off, I've worked out every single day. 

The biggest shock of all? I feel really good!

Of course, I hate my life when I'm at the gym and I'm constantly hungry for junk food. Nonetheless, my body feels fresh and I'm actually beginning to understand why some people enjoy feeling the burn. Wow, those are words I never thought I would say. Gettin' all crazy.

I know I still have practically the whole month (at least) to go, but so far, so good. I think I can make it for the next 26 days. I hope I can.

No, I'm not going to document my before and after pictures even though they would be great indicators for this whole workout plunge. But as long as I like how I look and feel, that's all I care about.

That's what should be what anyone cares about when it comes to someone else's fitness level and body type. How they feel. Not how anyone else in the world says that you're supposed to look or feel.

I'm doing this for me and that's all that matters. I'm good with that. I'm more than happy with that. It makes me have more of an incentive and drives me more than anyone else's words could mean to me. 

You do you and I'll do me. Got it? Good.

(P.S. I don't know why I just went on a rant/tangent, but oh well. Gets some point across that I've felt at one point or another. So, there's that.)

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