Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Dime Store Cowgirl.

"It don't matter where I'm going.
I still call my hometown home."

- Kacey Musgraves.

Now I get excited for albums all the time. I live for the new CD and there are a lot of artists that I count down their new music releases. But this right here, is HUGE.

Even more so after I heard this song and basically started crying. Okay, not crying, but having my heart explode in happiness.

Kacey Musgraves is MY GIRL when it comes to telling the truth in songwriting. No one like her knows how to put things point blank to where it practically hits you off your chair. Yes, I went there. Because I almost fell off my bed listening to her new album that released today.

There's just something special when you hear music like this and know that this artist has put experiences you relate to or have gone through in words that keep it simple yet still get to the main point. None of this made-up, candy-coated nonsense to make things sound perfect. She tells it like it is, whether it be about not being the ideal girl or talking about small town living. She knows and therefore, she writes.

Basically, I could go on for days about how excited I am about this release. But instead, I'm going to use that time wisely to play this record on repeat for the rest of summer. Sounds pretty good to me.

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