Saturday, June 20, 2015

Wake Up.

"Wake up, wake up
on a Saturday night.
Could be New York, 
maybe Hollywood & Vine.
London, Paris, maybe Tokyo."

- Hilary Duff.

After hating our lives at the gym, Emily and I decided to follow the rules of #treatyoself2015 and went out for a girls' dinner, drinks and ice cream included. 

While being full definitely made my tummy hurt, laughing so much put me in the best kind of pain out there. (Maybe it's a good reason we skipped the ab machine during our workout.)

I swear that even though we have been best friends for practically our entire lives, we never cease to keep each other smiling and tell each other everything. We've had our moments of tension and sometimes it's hard to agree with each other on things, but I think that's what makes our friendship stronger. No relationship in the world, whether it be brand new or friends 'til the end of time, is not all rainbows and happiness. But that's what makes it real. And at the moment, Emily and I have surpassed any negativity and just enjoy how young and dumb we are. It's the absolute best, especially when we are coming into our own.

I know we all say this about someone, but my best friend is the best friend anyone could ever ask for. Real talk.

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