Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Take Your Time.

"I don't wanna blow your phone up.
I just wanna blow your mind.
I don't have to take your heart.
I just wanna take your time."

- Sam Hunt.


You know how we all just love Fido? Well, that's pretty much the popular opinion around this town. No matter who you are or what you do, you've definitely been to Fido and you definitely like something from there.

With that in mind, Tori, Kelly and I made our weekly visit to our favorite place just for kicks. Who knew that Sam Hunt would have the same idea as us and would walk through the door? Great minds think alike, I hear!

After a good 30 minutes of contemplating and deciding this opportunity was worth more than our pride, we went for it. And said hi. And asked for a picture. And kept a conversation with him.


Sure, we might not be able to show our faces in Fido anytime soon (sorry, ego), but we can check off meeting a celebrity in public off our college bucket lists. Boom boom to that.

Also: thank you Sam for taking a couple minutes out of your busy schedule to stop for us. YOU ROCK OUR WORLDS. Truly. From losing our minds when we listened to you in London to making you the CD of the summer, we love you.

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