Monday, September 7, 2015


"Running on the music
and night highs."

- Troye Sivan.

Can life forever be a three-day holiday weekend? Because that would be GREAT.

While the majority of my Labor Day time off was spent watching the US Open or pretending to do homework, I squeezed in quite a bit of fun time as well. I ate Flipside and Fido and Cheesecake Factory galore and drank a cocktail or two on the side. Pretty much you could assume that I gained a couple pounds within three days on top of gaining memories for the senior year scrapbook.

It feels a little strange to know that as a 20-something, my time is running out. Not in life, but in college. I won't ever have a Labor Day Weekend off from school. I won't get to see my school friends every day or even every other day. But that's where we wanted to make our time count, especially while we've still got it!

More importantly, finding out more about our forever temporary hometown. So cheers to adventures because it's definitely out there.

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